- Rope sling - Towline
Rope sling - Towline minimum breaking load 44.2 tonnes
weight only 8.5 kg44 mm length 5.0 metres with protected eyesprice 145.00 euro incl VAT info@touw-staalkabel.nlcomparable chain weight 37 kg !€ 145,00 - Astra kinetic tow rope 18 mm
ASTRA tow rope
Kinetic rope perfect towing properties
18 mm
MBL 6600 kg
length with optional 2 times loop
optional length with 1 loop and 1 point sleeving
with a Geg stocking on both sides
info@touw-staalkabel.nl€ 2,30 - Astra kinetic tow rope 20 mm
ASTRA tow rope
Kinetic rope perfect towing properties
20 mm
MBL 8100 kg
length with optional 2 times loop
optional length with 1 loop and 1 point sleeving
with a Geg stocking on both sides
info@touw-staalkabel.nl€ 2,60 - Astra kinetic tow rope 22 mm
ASTRA tow ropeKinetic rope perfect towing properties 22 mmMBL 9800 kgoptional length with 2 times loopoptional length with 1 loop and 1 point sleevingwith a Geg stocking on both sides info@touw-staalkabel.nl
€ 3,00 - Astra kinetic tow rope 24 mm
ASTRA tow rope
Kinetic rope perfect towing properties
24 mm
MBL 11800 kg
length optionally with 2 times protected loop
optional length with 1 shielded loop and 1 point sleeving
with a Geg stocking on both…€ 3,75 - Astra kinetic tow rope 28 mm
ASTRA tow rope
Kinetic rope perfect towing properties
28 mm
MBL 15500 kg
length optionally with 2 times protected loop
optional length with 1 shielded loop and 1 point sleeving
with a Geg stocking on both…€ 4,50 - Astra kinetic tow rope 32 mm
ASTRA tow rope Kinetic rope perfect towing properties32 mmMBL 19600 kglength optionally with 2 protected loopsoptional length with 1 shielded loop and 1 point sleevingwith a Geg stocking on both sides info@touw-staalkabel.nl
€ 6,50 - Astra kinetic troll 8-fold braided 24 mm
ASTRA kinetic towlines 24 mm 8-fold braided Minimum breaking load 11800 kg
Price per metre 5.00 euro Both sides a protected loop 40.00 euro
Very hard-wearing and very strong - kinetic rope
Supple and soft productprices incl VAT…€ 5,00 - Astra kinetic troll 8-fold braided 28 mm
ASTRA kinetic towlines 28 mm 8-fold braided
Minimum breaking load 18500 kgPrice per metre 6.50 euro
Both sides a protected loop 45.00 euroVery hard-wearing and very strong - kinetic rope
Supple and soft product
prices incl…€ 6,50 - Astra kinetic troll 8-fold braided 32 mm
ASTRA kinetic towlines 32 mm 8-fold braided Minimum breaking load 23900 kg
Price per metre 9.00 euroone side protected loop 25.00 euroB/Z one protected loop 50.00 euro very hard-wearing and very strong - kinetic rope
Supple and…€ 9,00 - Astra rope 40 mm for a.o. obstacle course
ASTRA 3 strand rope 40 mmMBL 29400 kga perfect rope for obstacle courses, a.o. Koning Willem III Barracksvery strong and easy to handle info@touw-staalkabel.nl
- Astra towline 6 m 18 mm
Astra towline 6 m 18 mm Astra towline18 mmminimum breaking load 6600 kg6 m continuous length2 times splits 28.00 euroboth sides a Geg stocking 34.00 euroone side a loop other side a gimp 31.00 euroKinetic rope perfect towing…
€ 28,00 - Astra towline 7 m 20 mm
ASTRA towline 20 mm minimum breaking load 8100 kg7 meter permanent length with both sides a loop price 35.00 euroone side a stocking other side a loop price 39.00 eurowith a Geg stocking on both sides price 43.00 euroKinetic rope…
€ 35,00

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